Ionic Courses

Ionic Courses

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Ionic Courses

Questions to ask yourself about the Ionic Courses.

Is Ionic good for app development?

– All in An open source mobile UI toolkit for building high quality, cross-platform native and web app experiences. Furthermore create apps faster with a single code base, running everywhere with JavaScript and the Web.

Is what I learn relevant and of value?

– Most definitely and it’s current, up to date developer tools. Furthermore you learn from experienced developers/lecturers and strong android content.

Can I get a job as a app developer after?

– Definitely yes, get a job easier by getting Internationally accredited and recognized by writing Associate Android Developer Certification directly from Google or Microsoft exam/s.

Ionic Courses

Why Ionic Courses

All in all Ionic is a complete open-source SDK for hybrid mobile app development created by Max Lynch, Ben Sperry, and Adam Bradley of Drifty Co. in 2013. The original version was released in 2013 and built on top of AngularJS and Apache Cordova. Thus at School of it we offer:

  • All in all An intro Angular, JavaScript programming course (for the fundamentals),
  • An advanced Angular or JavaScript course,
  • A Software Development course in JavaScript,
  • A Software Engineering course,
  • A 3 month app development course (Ionic).
When is it Offered?
Overall learn app development anytime and anywhere. We have 3 training options and we have award-winning coding courses. In turn identify and implement app solutions. Thus learn how to create and manage your own apps.


Fast forward your career in the IT industry with a part-time ionic app development courses at School of IT. All in all the Part-time courses allow working professionals to transition into a new skill set while working. In turn at School of IT we are agile and can customize an app development course to the individual. Start anytime and choose your hours!

Full Time

Are you ready to start a career in IT? In turn learn to use Javascript, html, css, angular to create apps for ios or android as a full time student at School of IT. Thus beginning your career as an app developer. Start anytime and manage your own contact hours with your mentor!

High School

In addition prepare for the future by learn to use JavaScript, html, css, Angular while you’re still in high school. Have the option to get internationally accredited and recognized before you even finish school!


All in all upskill yourself or your company by learning to code while you’re working. Thus no matter where you are, you can upskill yourself and get internationally accredited and recognized in under 6 months!

App Development: Ionic Courses Objectives

Overall by the end of the intro App Development course with ionic and cordova, students will have usable knowledge of the following:

  • Understand Hybrid Mobile App Development Frameworks: An Introduction.
  • Overall learn Ionic Components.
  • In turn how to work Ionic Split Pane, Grid, Storage and Deploying your App.
  • All in all Learn to access Native Capabilities of Devices: Cordova and Ionic Native.
  • In turn test and how to publish your app.

Career Prospects
Overall the career prospects for Ionic Courses are excellent and high in demand. Thus JavaScript is an excellent languages: used on most platforms and devices and in all countries around the world!

  • App Developer
  • Javascript Developer
  • Android Developer
  • IOS Developer
  • Software Developer
  • Systems Architect
Alternative Courses

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