Coding Bootcamps Cape Town

Coding Bootcamps Cape Town

Coding Bootcamps Cape Town

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Coding Bootcamps Cape Town.

Why join a coding bootcamp in Cape Town?

Complete a coding bootcamp Cape Town with School of IT, to future-proof your career in a fast-changing digital market.

Cape Town is a port city on South Africa’s southwest coast, on a peninsula beneath the imposing Table Mountain. Slowly rotating cable cars climb to the mountain’s flat top, from which there are sweeping views of the city, the busy harbor and boats heading for Robben Island, the notorious prison that once held Nelson Mandela, which is now a living museum.

The Best Cape Town Coding Bootcamps

6 Best Coding Bootcamps in Cape Town
  • HyperionDev. 4.45. 321. Courses.
  • School of IT. 4.86. 144. Courses.
  • Le Wagon. 4.96. 3468. Courses.
  • CodeSpace. 4.9. Courses. Cape Town.
  • Melsoft Academy. 4.88. Courses. Online, Cape Town, Johannesburg, Minneapolis.
  • iXperience. Courses. Lisbon, Berlin, Cape Town.

Frequently asked questions about Coding Bootcamps in Cape Town.

Why choose a Coding Bootcamp?

What is a Coding Bootcamp?

Overall acoding boot camp is a concentrated course that teaches essential skills and provides real-world training for people seeking jobs in computer and information technology fields. Coding bootcamps condense the time and expense required to pursue a traditional college degree by focusing on the hard skills that employers desire. As a result, bootcamps can provide an accelerated path to a rewarding technical career.

Coding bootcamps in Cape Town

Graduates from our Cape Town coding bootcamps are now working at some of the country’s biggest tech companies and most exciting tech startups.

Cape Town offers the best employment opportunities for software developers. The tech scene is well developed in Cape Town and software developer salaries in Cape Town are slightly higher compared to in Johannesburg developer market.

Free coding bootcamps in Cape Town

Many coding schools offer sponsored scholarships for coding bootcamps. At School of IT our scholarship recipients are chosen based on financial situation, and are selected by a panel of people.

There are websites for coding, such as KhanAcademy and FreeCodeCamp and  that offer excellent free learning resources online.

Are coding bootcamps recognized by employers?

Furthermore these days, many businesses are looking for skilled, tech-savvy employees to make their systems, software, and apps work better. Thus these needs have created new opportunities for those with a coding background, including both workforce newcomers and established professionals seeking a career change.


Part-Time Programming Bootcamps

Kick-start your career in the IT industry with a part-time programming course student at School of IT. In turn Part-time coding courses allow working professionals to transition into a new skill set while working. Moreover at School of IT we are agile and customize a course to the individual.

Full Time Bootcamp Courses

Ready to start a career in Software Development? Master code as a full time programming course student at School of IT. Thus beginning your tech career as a software developer.

High School Coding Classes

Overall learn coding and prepare for the future while you’re still in a capetoinian high school. Thus no matter where you are, we come to you! Thus giving you the programming skills to pursue your dreams!

Corporate Bootcamps

Learn to Code and up skill yourself or your company while you’re working. Thus no matter where you are, we come to you and give the tools to move up in your company.

Python Bootcamp

Here's a course syllabus for a 20-hour introductory Python programming course:

Course Overview

This 20-hour course is designed to introduce beginners to Python programming.
By the end of this course, students will have a solid foundation in Python syntax and programming concepts, and be able to create simple programs and applications.

Class Topic
Class 1 Introduction to Python
Class 2 Data types and variables
Class 3 Control flow statements
Class 4 Error Handling
Class 5 Functions
Class 6 Lists and tuples
Class 7 Dictionaries and sets
Class 8 File input/output
Class 9 Object-oriented programming
Class 10 Modules and packages
Class 11 Final project

Here's a breakdown of each class:

Class 1: Introduction to Python

  • Overview of the course and its objectives
  • Explanation of the Python programming language and its uses
  • Installation and setup of Python on your computer
  • Running your first Python program
  • Introduction to Python syntax
  • Data types in Python: strings, integers, and floats
  • Exercise and homework

Class 2: Data types and variables

  • Recap of previous class
  • Different types of data in Python: lists, tuples, and dictionaries
  • Variables in Python and how they work
  • Type conversion in Python
  • Manipulating strings in Python
  • Exercise and homework

Class 3: Control flow statements

  • Recap of previous class
  • Conditional statements in Python: if, elif, else
  • Loops in Python: for and while loops
  • Iteration and range function
  • The break and continue statements in loops
  • Exercise and homework

Class 4: Error Handling

  • Recap of previous class
  • Introduction to error handling
  • Syntax errors
  • Using the try-except block to catch and handle exceptions
  • Raising exceptions with the raise statement
  • Handling multiple exceptions with the except clause
  • Common exceptions and their causes (e.g. NameError, TypeError, ValueError)
  • Logging errors and exceptions
  • Exercise and homework

Class 5: Functions

  • Recap of previous class
  • Writing functions in Python
  • Parameters and arguments in functions
  • Return statements in functions
  • Local and global variables in Python functions
  • Exercise and homework

Class 6: Lists and Tuples

  • Recap of previous class
  • Creating and modifying lists and tuples in Python
  • Indexing and slicing lists and tuples
  • List and tuple operations and methods
  • Combining data types in Python
  • Exercise and homework

Class 7: Dictionaries and Sets

  • Recap of previous class
  • Creating and modifying dictionaries and sets in Python
  • Dictionary and set operations and methods
  • Iterating over dictionaries and sets
  • Combining data types in Python
  • Exercise and homework

Class 8: File Input/Output

  • Recap of previous class
  • Reading and writing text files in Python
  • File modes and permissions in Python
  • Using with statements for file input/output
  • Working with CSV files in Python
  • Exercise and homework

Class 9: Object-oriented Programming

  • Recap of previous class
  • Introduction to object-oriented programming in Python
  • Creating classes and objects in Python
  • Class inheritance and polymorphism in Python
  • Encapsulation and abstraction in Python
  • Exercise and homework

Class 10: Modules and Packages

  • Recap of previous class
  • Introduction to modules and packages in Python
  • Creating modules and importing modules in Python
  • Using third-party modules and packages in Python
  • Installing and managing packages with pip
  • Exercise and homework

Class 11: Final Project

  • Recap of previous classes
  • Final project assignment and instructions
  • Working on the final project in class
  • Submission and presentation of final project in class

That's it! I hope this syllabus and breakdown help you in planning your course. Good luck with intro Python programming!

Note: The above syllabus is tentative and may be modified as per the instructor's discretion.

Here is a course syllabus for a 20-hour advanced Python programming course:

Course Overview

This 20-hour course is designed for students who already have a solid understanding of Python programming and want to take their skills to the next level. By the end of this course, students will be able to write complex programs and understand key concepts such as object-oriented programming, advanced data structures, and algorithms.

Class Topic
Class 1 Object-Oriented Programming
Class 2 Inheritance
Class 3 Polymorphism
Class 4 Abstract Classes and Interfaces
Class 5 Decorators
Class 6 Generators
Class 7 Advanced Data Structures
Class 8 Recursion
Class 9 Searching and Sorting Algorithms
Class 10 GUI Programming With Tkinter
Class 11 Project: Building a Web Scraper

Here's a breakdown of each class:

Class 1: Object-Oriented Programming

  • Overview of the course and its objectives
  • Review of basic Python syntax
  • Introduction to object-oriented programming
  • Classes and objects
  • Properties and methods
  • Access modifiers
  • Exercise and homework

Class 2: Inheritance

  • Recap of previous class
  • Understanding inheritance
  • Base and derived classes
  • Overriding methods
  • Multiple inheritance
  • Method resolution order
  • Exercise and homework

Class 3: Polymorphism

  • Recap of previous class
  • Understanding polymorphism
  • Duck typing
  • Operator overloading
  • Abstract classes
  • Exercise and homework

Class 4: Abstract Classes and Interfaces

  • Recap of previous class
  • Abstract classes and interfaces
  • Defining abstract classes and interfaces
  • Implementing abstract classes and interfaces
  • Multiple inheritance with abstract classes and interfaces
  • Exercise and homework

Class 5: Decorators

  • Recap of previous class
  • Introduction to decorators
  • Function decorators
  • Class decorators
  • Method decorators
  • Nested decorators
  • Exercise and homework

Class 6: Generators

  • Recap of previous class
  • Understanding generators
  • Generator functions
  • Generator expressions
  • Coroutines
  • Synchronous and asynchronous programming
  • Exercise and homework

Class 7: Advanced Data Structures

  • Recap of previous class
  • Advanced data structures in Python
  • Stacks and queues
  • Heaps and priority queues
  • Trees and graphs
  • Red-black trees
  • Exercise and homework

Class 8: Recursion

  • Recap of previous class
  • Understanding recursion
  • Recursive functions
  • Tail recursion
  • Recursive data structures
  • Handling recursion errors
  • Exercise and homework

Class 9: Searching and Sorting Algorithms

  • Recap of previous class
  • Searching algorithms in Python
  • Linear search
  • Binary search
  • Hash tables
  • Sorting algorithms in Python
  • Bubble sort
  • Selection sort
  • Insertion sort
  • Quick sort
  • Merge sort
  • Exercise and homework

Class 10: GUI Programming with Tkinter

  • Recap of previous class
  • Understanding layout management in Tkinter
  • Understanding event handling in Tkinter
  • Binding events to widgets
  • Creating your own gui programme
  • Exercise and homework

Class 11: Project: Building a Web Scraper

  • Recap of previous classes
  • Assignment of a project to build a web scraper
  • Working on the project in class
  • Submission and presentation of the project in class

That's it! I hope this syllabus and breakdown help you in planning your course. Good luck with your advanced Python programming!

Note: The above syllabus is tentative and may be modified as per the instructor's discretion.

By the end of the Software Development course students will have usable knowledge of the following:

  • Intro Python Course objectives.
  • Intermediate Python Course objectives.
  • Advanced Python Course objectives.
  • Project & test.

Note: The above syllabus is tentative and may be modified as per the instructor's discretion.

By the end of the Software Engineering course (Python + 1 other programming language of choice), students will have usable knowledge of the following:

  • Intro Python Course objectives.
  • Intermediate Python Course objectives.
  • Advanced Python Course objectives.
  • Project & test.
  • Intro of programming language 2 (your choice) fundamentals
  • Intermediate programming language 2.
  • Advanced programming language 2 objectives.
  • Project & test.

Note: The above syllabus is tentative and may be modified as per the instructor's discretion.

By the end of the Full Stack Web Development course with python, students will have usable knowledge of the following:

  • Understand the Fundamentals of web design
  • Be able to understand classes coupled with Objects.
  • Understand of datatypes together with operators.
  • Understand variable declaration including initialization.
  • Learn Methods, functions coupled with sequential code.
  • Decision making: If statements not to mention switch cases.
  • Learn about Loops, namely a do while, for loop and while loop.
  • How to use Django and Python Fundamentals.
  • Create Websites using Django Framework and best development principals & standards
  • IDE's, applets coupled with publishing applications.
  • Including HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Web Services.

Note: The above syllabus is tentative and may be modified as per the instructor's discretion.

By the end of the Data Science course, students will have usable knowledge of the following:

  • Apply statistical methods to data
  • Be able to understand Python to explore and transform data.
  • Create,validate machine learning models with Azure Machine Learning.
  • Thoroughly Understand Python code to build machine learning models.
  • Apply data science techniques to common scenarios.
  • Implement a machine learning solution for a given data problem.
  • Learn advanced Python and Data Analysis to implement computer science algorithms.
  • Implement a BioInformatics and natural language processing.
  • Acquire the skills needed to find structure in data and how to use the python libraries.
  • Matplotlib.
  • SciKit Learn.
  • NumPy.
  • NLTK,

Note: The above syllabus is tentative and may be modified as per the instructor's discretion.
The price for Programming Training certification in South Africa starts from R13900.
  • An Intro to programming course price is R13900 for 20 hours.
  • Advanced programming course price is R15900 for 20 hours.
  • A Software Development course price is R28800 for 2 months/40 hours.
  • A Software Engineering course price is R43600 for 4 months/80 hours.
  • A Full Stack Web Development course with python, price is R28800 for 3 months/60 hours.
  • A Data Science course with python or R, price is R43600 for 4 months/80 hours.


No prior requirements needed, maths is recommended.  

Who Should Attend this Programming Training Course?

The intro course is intended for programmers who need to write or maintain scripts in Python. These courses are suitable for beginner programmers who may have little, to no in-depth knowledge of programming. All the programming courses start from beginner level (accept the advanced python course)

Python Programming Course Overview

Python is one of the most popular programming languages used by developers, data scientists, software engineers, and even hackers because of its versatility, flexibility, and object-oriented features. Although a high-level language, it can do complex tasks. Python is easy to learn and has a clean, simple syntax.

What's included in this Programming Training Course?:

  • Ebooks
  • Professional notes
  • IDE -Pycharm or lastest ide
  • International exam resources and how to book the international exam/s.
  • Interactive software
  • Proposed Schedule
Java Bootcamp

Here's a course syllabus for a 20-hour introductory Java programming course:


Course Overview

This 20-hour course is designed to introduce beginners to Java programming. By the end of this course, students will have a solid foundation in Java syntax and programming concepts, and be able to create simple programs and applications.

Class Topic
Class 1 Introduction to Java
Class 2 Variables and Data Types
Class 3 Operators and Expressions
Class 4 Control Statements
Class 5 Methods and Functions
Class 6 Arrays
Class 7 Object-Oriented Programming
Class 8 Inheritance and Polymorphism
Class 9 Exception Handling
Class 10 Final project

Here's a breakdown of each class:

Class 1: Introduction to Java

  • Overview of the course and its objectives
  • Explanation of the Java programming language and its uses
  • Installation and setup of Java on your computer
  • Running your first Java program
  • Introduction to Java syntax
  • Basic input/output in Java
  • Exercises and homework

Class 2: Variables and Data Types

  • Recap of previous class
  • Declaring and initializing variables in Java
  • Different types of data in Java: primitive and reference
  • Type conversion in Java
  • Understanding the scope of variables
  • Exercises and homework

Class 3: Operators and Expressions

  • Recap of previous class
  • Different types of operators in Java: arithmetic, relational, logical, bitwise, and assignment
  • Order of precedence in Java
  • Understanding expressions in Java
  • Exercises and homework

Class 4: Control Statements

  • Recap of previous class
  • Conditional statements in Java: if, else-if, else
  • Loops in Java: for, while, do-while
  • Nested loops in Java
  • Iteration and range function
  • Exercises and homework

Class 5: Methods and Functions

  • Recap of previous class
  • Writing functions in Java
  • Parameters and arguments in functions
  • Return statements in functions
  • Method overloading in Java
  • Exercises and homework

Class 6: Arrays

  • Recap of previous class
  • Creating and initializing arrays in Java
  • Accessing and modifying array elements
  • Using arrays in loops
  • Multidimensional arrays in Java
  • Exercises and homework

Class 7: Object-Oriented Programming

  • Recap of previous class
  • Introduction to object-oriented programming in Java
  • Creating classes and objects in Java
  • Class constructors in Java
  • Instance variables and methods in Java
  • Exercises and homework

Class 8: Inheritance and Polymorphism

  • Recap of previous class
  • Inheritance in Java: subclass and superclass
  • Polymorphism in Java: method overriding and dynamic binding
  • Abstract classes and interfaces in Java
  • Understanding object class in Java
  • Exercises and homework

Class 9: Exception Handling

  • Recap of previous class
  • Introduction to exception handling in Java
  • Handling exceptions in Java: try, catch, and finally
  • Creating custom exceptions in Java
  • Using throw and throws statements in Java
  • Exercises and homework

Class 10: Final Project

  • Recap of previous classes
  • Final project assignment and instructions
  • Working on the final project in class
  • Submission and presentation of final project in class

That's it! I hope this syllabus and breakdown help you in planning your course. Good luck learning the fundamentals of Java programming!

Note: The above syllabus is tentative and may be modified as per the instructor's discretion.

Here's a course syllabus for an Advanced Java Programming course:

Course Overview

This 20-hour course is designed for candidates with prior experience with Java programming. By the end of this course, students will have a solid foundation in intermediate to advanced Java syntax and programming concepts, and be able to create more complex programs and applications.

Class Topic
Class 1 Object-oriented programming in Java
Class 2 Advanced Java concepts
Class 3 Multi Threading and Concurrency in Java
Class 4 Database programming in Java
Class 5 Java web development using Spring
Class 6 Final Project

And here's a breakdown of what we'll cover in each class:

Class 1: Object-oriented programming in Java

  • Overview of object-oriented programming (OOP) concepts
  • Creating classes and objects in Java
  • Inheritance and polymorphism in Java
  • Abstract classes and interfaces in Java
  • Exercises and homework

Class 2: Advanced Java concepts

  • Exception handling in Java
  • Generics in Java
  • Java Collections Framework
  • Java Streams API
  • Exercises and homework

Class 3: Concurrency in Java

  • Introduction to threads in Java
  • Synchronization in Java
  • Deadlocks in Java
  • Java Thread Pools
  • Exercises and homework

Class 4: Database programming in Java

  • Introduction to JDBC
  • Connecting to a database using JDBC
  • Executing SQL queries using JDBC
  • Using prepared statements and stored procedures in Java
  • Exercises and homework

Class 5: Java web development using Spring

  • Introduction to Spring framework
  • Spring Boot for web development
  • RESTful web services using Spring
  • Integrating Spring with databases and other technologies
  • Exercises and homework

Class 6: Final Project

  • Recap of previous classes
  • Final project assignment and instructions
  • Working on the final project in class
  • Submission and presentation of final project in class

Note: The above syllabus is tentative and may be modified as per the instructor's discretion.

By the end of the Software Development course students will have usable knowledge of the following:

  • Intro Java Course objectives.
  • Intermediate Java Course objectives.
  • Advanced Java Course objectives.
  • Project & test.

Note: The above syllabus is tentative and may be modified as per the instructor's discretion.

By the end of the Software Engineering course (Java + 1 other programming language of choice), students will have usable knowledge of the following:

  • Intro Java Course objectives.
  • Intermediate Java Course objectives.
  • Advanced Java Course objectives.
  • Project & test.
  • Intro of programming language 2 (your choice) fundamentals
  • Intermediate programming language 2.
  • Advanced programming language 2 objectives.
  • Project & test.

Note: The above syllabus is tentative and may be modified as per the instructor's discretion.
The price for Programming Training certification in South Africa starts from R13900.
  • An Intro to programming course price is R13900 for 20 hours.
  • Advanced programming course price is R15900 for 20 hours.
  • A Software Development course price is R28800 for 2 months/40 hours.
  • A Software Engineering course price is R43600 for 4 months/80 hours.
  • An App development course with Android studio and java, price is R28800 for 2 months/40 hours.
  • A Software testing course with java and selenium, price is R28800 for 2 months/40 hours.


No prior requirements needed, maths is recommended.

Who Should Attend this Programming Training Course?

The intro course is intended for programmers who need to write or maintain scripts in Java. These courses are suitable for beginner programmers who may have little, to no in-depth knowledge of programming. All the programming courses start from beginner level (accept the advanced java course)

Java Programming Course Overview

The Java language has been extensively refined and been around for over 25 years! Moreover extended, tested and proven by an active community of over four million software developers.

What's included in this Programming Training Course?

  • Ebooks
  • Professional notes
  • IDE - Netbeans, Eclipse or lastest ide
  • International exam resources and how to book the international exam/s.
  • Interactive software
  • Proposed Schedule
C# Bootcamp

Here's a course syllabus for a 20-hour introductory C# programming course:

Course Overview

This 20-hour course is designed to introduce beginners to C# programming.

Class Topic
1 Introduction to C# and .NET Framework
2 Variables and Data Types
3 Operators and Expressions
4 Control Statements
5 Arrays and Collections
6 Methods and Functions
7 Classes and Objects
8 Inheritance and Polymorphism
9 Interfaces and Abstract Classes
10 Exception Handling
11 File I/O and Serialization
12 GUI Programming with Windows Forms
13 Final Project

Class 1: Introduction to C# and .NET Framework

  • Understand the basic syntax of C#
  • Understand the .NET Framework
  • Understand how to create a simple C# program
  • Understand the Visual Studio IDE
  • Introduction to C# and .NET Framework
  • Installing Visual Studio
  • Creating a new project
  • Writing and executing a simple C# program
  • Visual Studio IDE overview

Class 2: Variables and Data Types

  • Understand variables and data types in C#
  • Understand how to declare and initialize variables
  • Understand the differences between value types and reference types
  • Variables and data types
  • Declaring and initializing variables
  • Value types and reference types
  • Converting between data types

Class 3: Operators and Expressions

  • Understand operators and expressions in C#
  • Understand how to use arithmetic, comparison, and logical operators
  • Understand the order of operations
  • Operators and expressions
  • Arithmetic operators
  • Comparison operators
  • Logical operators
  • Order of operations

Class 4: Control Statements

  • Understand control statements in C#
  • Understand how to use if/else statements
  • Understand how to use switch statements
  • Understand how to use while, do-while, and for loops
  • Control statements
  • If/else statements
  • Switch statements
  • While loops
  • Do-while loops
  • For loops

Class 5: Arrays and Collections

  • Understand arrays and collections in C#
  • Understand how to create and use arrays
  • Understand how to create and use lists and dictionaries
  • Arrays and collections
  • Creating and using arrays
  • Creating and using lists
  • Creating and using dictionaries

Class 6: Methods and Functions

  • Understand methods and functions in C#
  • Understand how to create and use methods
  • Understand how to use parameters and return values
  • Methods and functions
  • Creating and using methods
  • Parameters and return values

Class 7: Classes and Objects

  • Understand classes and objects in C#
  • Understand how to create classes and objects
  • Understand how to use constructors and properties
  • Classes and objects
  • Creating and using classes
  • Constructors and properties

Class 8: Inheritance and Polymorphism

  • Understand inheritance and polymorphism in C#
  • Understand how to use inheritance to create derived classes
  • Understand how to use polymorphism to call methods on derived classes
  • Inheritance and polymorphism
  • Creating derived classes
  • Calling methods on derived classes

Class 9: Interfaces and Abstract Classes

  • Understand interfaces and abstract classes in C#
  • Understand how to use interfaces to define common behavior
  • Understand how to use abstract classes to provide a partial implementation
  • Interfaces and abstract classes overview
  • Interfaces
    • Defining interfaces
    • Implementing interfaces in classes
    • Using interfaces to achieve polymorphism
  • Abstract classes
    • Defining abstract classes
    • Implementing abstract classes in derived classes
    • Providing partial implementation in abstract classes
  • Comparing and contrasting interfaces and abstract classes
  • Best practices for using interfaces and abstract classes

Class 10: Exception Handling

  • Understand what exceptions are and why they occur
  • Understand how to handle exceptions in C# using try-catch blocks
  • Understand how to throw and catch custom exceptions
  • Exceptions overview
    • What are exceptions?
    • Why do exceptions occur?
    • Types of exceptions
  • Handling exceptions with try-catch blocks
    • Syntax of try-catch blocks
    • Handling multiple exceptions
  • Throwing and catching custom exceptions
    • Creating custom exception classes
    • Throwing exceptions with the throw keyword
    • Catching and handling custom exceptions
  • Best practices for handling exceptions in C#

Class 11: File I/O and Serialization

  • Understand how to read from and write to files in C#
  • Understand how to use serialization to convert objects into a format that can be stored and transported
  • File I/O overview
    • Reading from files using StreamReader
    • Writing to files using StreamWriter
    • Using File and FileInfo classes
  • Serialization overview
    • What is serialization?
    • Why use serialization?
    • Serialization formats (JSON, XML, Binary)

Class 12: GUI Programming with Windows Forms

  • Understand how to create Windows Forms applications in C#
  • Understand how to design and layout forms using the Visual Studio designer
  • Understand how to handle events in Windows Forms applications
  • Introduction to Windows Forms
    • What is Windows Forms?
    • Why use Windows Forms?
    • Creating a new Windows Forms project
  • Designing forms using the Visual Studio designer
    • Adding and configuring controls
    • Layout and alignment
    • Using container controls
  • Handling events in Windows Forms applications
    • Event-driven programming
    • Common events and event handlers
  • Best practices for Windows Forms development in C#

Class 13: Final Project with Intro to C#

  • Apply the concepts and skills learned in the previous classes to a final project
  • Practice good programming practices such as planning, documentation, and testing
  • Develop a small-scale application using C#

Note: The above syllabus is tentative and may be modified as per the instructor's discretion.

Here is a course syllabus for a 20-hour advanced C# programming course:

Course Overview

This 20-hour course is designed for students who already have a solid understanding of c# programming and want to take their skills to the next level. By the end of this course, students will be able to write complex programs and understand key concepts such as object-oriented programming, advanced data structures, and algorithms.

Class Topic
1 Introduction to Advanced C# Programming
2 Object-Oriented Programming in C#
3 Exception Handling
4 Delegates, Events and Lambda Expressions
5 LINQ and Collections
6 Multithreading and Concurrency
7 Asynchronous Programming
8 Reflection and Attributes
9 Generics
10 Advanced Topics in C#
11 Project Implementation
12 Project Presentation and Review

Class 1: Introduction to Advanced C# Programming

  • Introduction to course and course objectives
  • Overview of advanced C# programming concepts
  • C# data types, control structures and functions
  • Classes and objects in C#

Class 2: Object-Oriented Programming in C#

  • Overview of object-oriented programming
  • Classes and objects in C#
  • Inheritance and polymorphism
  • Interfaces and abstract classes

Class 3: Exception Handling

  • Overview of exception handling
  • Handling exceptions in C#
  • Custom exceptions
  • Exception logging and debugging

Class 4: Delegates, Events and Lambda Expressions

  • Delegates in C#
  • Events in C#
  • Lambda expressions and anonymous methods

Class 5: LINQ and Collections

  • Introduction to collections in C#
  • Arrays, lists, dictionaries and sets
  • Introduction to LINQ
  • Querying collections using LINQ

Class 6: Multithreading and Concurrency

  • Introduction to multithreading
  • Synchronization and thread safety
  • Thread pools and task parallelism
  • Deadlocks and race conditions

Class 7: Asynchronous Programming

  • Overview of asynchronous programming
  • Asynchronous programming using async/await
  • Asynchronous programming using Task Parallel Library
  • Handling exceptions in asynchronous programming

Class 8: Reflection and Attributes

  • Overview of reflection
  • Reflection in C#
  • Attributes in C#
  • Creating custom attributes

Class 9: Generics

  • Introduction to generics
  • Generic classes and methods
  • Generic constraints and interfaces
  • Covariance and contravariance in generics

Class 10: Advanced Topics in C#

  • Advanced topics in C# including garbage collection, unsafe code and P/Invoke
  • Interoperability with other languages
  • .NET Core and .NET Standard
  • Overview of .NET 5

Class 11: Project Implementation

  • Implementation of a C# project based on course topics
  • Use of source control and project management tools
  • Collaboration and code review best practices

Class 12: Project Presentation and Review

  • Presentation of the project to the class
  • Review and feedback on the project
  • Course review and feedback

Note: The above syllabus is tentative and may be modified as per the instructor's discretion.

By the end of the Software Development course students will have usable knowledge of the following:

  • Intro C# Course objectives.
  • Intermediate C# Course objectives.
  • Advanced C# Course objectives.
  • Project & test.

Note: The above syllabus is tentative and may be modified as per the instructor's discretion.

By the end of the Software Engineering course (C# + 1 other programming language of choice), students will have usable knowledge of the following:

  • Intro C# Course objectives.
  • Intermediate C# Course objectives.
  • Advanced C# Course objectives.
  • Project & test.
  • Intro of programming language 2 (your choice) fundamentals
  • Intermediate programming language 2.
  • Advanced programming language 2 objectives.
  • Project & test.

Note: The above syllabus is tentative and may be modified as per the instructor's discretion.
The price for Programming Training certification in South Africa starts from R13900.
  • An Intro to programming course price is R13900 for 20 hours.
  • Advanced programming course price is R15900 for 20 hours.
  • A Software Development course price is R28800 for 2 months/40 hours.
  • A Software Engineering course price is R43600 for 4 months/80 hours.
  • An App development course with C#, price is R28800 for 2 months/40 hours.
  • A Software testing course with c# and selenium, price is R28800 for 2 months/40 hours.


No prior requirements needed, maths is recommended.

Who Should Attend this Programming Training Course?

The intro course is intended for programmers who need to write or maintain scripts in c#. These courses are suitable for beginner programmers who may have little, to no in-depth knowledge of programming. All the programming courses start from beginner level (accept the advanced c# course)

Csharp Programming Course Overview

C# is a modern object-oriented programming language developed in 2000 by Anders Hejlsberg at Microsoft as a rival to Java (which it is quite similar to). It was created because Sun, (later bought by Oracle) did not want Microsoft to make changes to Java, so Microsoft chose to create their own language instead.

What's included in this Programming Training Course?

  • Ebooks
  • Professional notes
  • IDE - Visual Studio or lastest ide
  • International exam resources and how to book the international exam/s.
  • Interactive software
  • Proposed Schedule
C++ Bootcamp

Here's a course syllabus for a 20-hour introductory C++ programming course:

Course Overview

This 20-hour course is designed to introduce beginners to C++ programming. By the end of this course, students will have a solid foundation in C++ syntax and programming concepts, and be able to create simple programs and applications.

Class Topic
Class 1 Introduction to C++
Class 2 Variables and Data Types
Class 3 Operators and Expressions
Class 4 Control Statements
Class 5 Error Handling
Class 6 Functions
Class 7 Arrays and Strings
Class 8 Pointers and References
Class 9 Object-Oriented Programming
Class 10 Classes and Objects
Class 11 Final project

Here's a breakdown of each class:

Class 1: Introduction to C++

  • Overview of the course and its objectives
  • Explanation of the C++ programming language and its uses
  • Installation and setup of C++ on your computer
  • Running your first C++ program
  • Introduction to C++ syntax
  • Basic input/output in C++
  • Exercises and homework

Class 2: Variables and Data Types

  • Recap of previous class
  • Declaring and initializing variables in C++
  • Different types of data in C++: fundamental and compound
  • Type conversion in C++
  • Understanding the scope of variables
  • Exercises and homework

Class 3: Operators and Expressions

  • Recap of previous class
  • Different types of operators in C++: arithmetic, relational, logical, bitwise, and assignment
  • Order of precedence in C++
  • Understanding expressions in C++
  • Exercises and homework

Class 4: Control Statements

  • Recap of previous class
  • Conditional statements in C++: if, else-if, else
  • Loops in C++: for, while, do-while
  • Nested loops in C++
  • Iteration and range function
  • Exercises and homework

Class 5: Error Handling

  • Recap of previous class
  • Understanding the concept of exceptions
  • try-catch block and exception handling
  • Custom exceptions and exception hierarchies
  • Debugging techniques and tools
  • Exercises and homework

Class 6: Functions

  • Recap of previous class
  • Writing functions in C++
  • Parameters and arguments in functions
  • Return statements in functions
  • Function overloading in C++
  • Exercises and homework

Class 7: Arrays and Strings

  • Recap of previous class
  • Creating and initializing arrays in C++
  • Accessing and modifying array elements
  • Using arrays in loops
  • Strings in C++
  • Exercises and homework

Class 8: Pointers and References

  • Recap of previous class
  • Introduction to pointers and references in C++
  • Pointers and arrays
  • Dynamic memory allocation
  • Pointers to pointers
  • Exercises and homework

Class 9: Object-Oriented Programming

  • Recap of previous class
  • Introduction to object-oriented programming in C++
  • Abstraction, encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism
  • Using access modifiers in classes
  • Understanding constructors and destructors
  • Exercises and homework

Class 10: Classes and Objects

  • Recap of previous class
  • Creating classes and objects in C++
  • Object initialization and destruction
  • Member functions and data members
  • Accessing class members using dot and arrow operators
  • Exercises and homework

Class 11: Final Project

  • Recap of previous classes
  • Final project assignment and instructions
  • Working on the final project in class
  • Submission and presentation of final project in class

That's it! I hope this syllabus and breakdown help you in planning your course. Good luck learning C++ programming!

Note: The above syllabus is tentative and may be modified as per the instructor's discretion.

Here's a course syllabus for a 20-hour Advanced C++ programming course:

Course Overview

Class Topics
1 Advanced C++ concepts: templates, namespaces, and the Standard Template Library (STL)
2 Advanced classes: inheritance, polymorphism, and virtual functions
3 Memory management: pointers, smart pointers, and memory allocation
4 Operator overloading: creating custom operators
5 Input/output: file handling, streams, and formatting
6 Templates and generic programming: template classes and functions, generic programming techniques
7 Advanced algorithms: sorting, searching, and graph algorithms
8 Concurrency: multithreading, synchronization, and parallel programming
9 Debugging and testing: debugging techniques, unit testing, and test-driven development
10 Advanced topics: move semantics, perfect forwarding, and lambda expressions
11 Final project: students will work on a final project, applying the skills and concepts learned throughout the course

Class 1: Advanced C++ concepts

  • Review of C++ basics
  • Templates and generic programming
  • Namespaces
  • Standard Template Library (STL)
  • Exercises and homework

Class 2: Advanced classes

  • Inheritance and polymorphism
  • Virtual functions
  • Abstract classes and interfaces
  • Virtual destructors
  • Exercises and homework

Class 3: Memory management

  • Pointers and references
  • Dynamic memory allocation and deallocation
  • Smart pointers
  • Memory leaks and memory safety
  • Exercises and homework

Class 4: Operator overloading

  • Overloading arithmetic and comparison operators
  • Overloading the subscript and function call operators
  • Creating custom operators
  • Exercises and homework

Class 5: Input/output

  • File handling
  • Streams and formatting
  • Console input/output
  • String streams
  • Exercises and homework

Class 6: Templates and generic programming

  • Template classes and functions
  • Generic programming techniques
  • Type deduction and type traits
  • Exercises and homework

Class 7: Advanced algorithms

  • Sorting algorithms: bubble sort, selection sort, insertion sort, quicksort, mergesort
  • Searching algorithms: linear search, binary search
  • Graph algorithms: depth-first search, breadth-first search, Dijkstra's algorithm
  • Exercises and homework

Class 8: Concurrency

  • Multithreading
  • Synchronization
  • Parallel programming with OpenMP
  • Thread safety and race conditions
  • Exercises and homework

Class 9: Debugging and testing

  • Debugging techniques: breakpoints, watches, stack trace
  • Unit testing: testing frameworks, test suites, test cases
  • Test-driven development
  • Exercises and homework

Class 10: Advanced topics

  • Move semantics and perfect forwarding
  • Lambda expressions and closures
  • Variadic templates and parameter packs
  • Exercises and homework

Class 11: Final project

  • Students will work on a final project, applying the skills and concepts learned throughout the course
  • Project ideas will be provided, but students are also encouraged to come up with their own project ideas
  • Students will present their projects in the final class of the course

Note: The above syllabus is tentative and may be modified as per the instructor's discretion.

By the end of the Software Development course students will have usable knowledge of the following:

  • Intro C++ Course objectives.
  • Intermediate C++ Course objectives.
  • Advanced C++ Course objectives.
  • Project & test.

Note: The above syllabus is tentative and may be modified as per the instructor's discretion.

By the end of the Software Engineering course (C++ + 1 other programming language of choice), students will have usable knowledge of the following:

  • Intro C++ Course objectives.
  • Intermediate C++ Course objectives.
  • Advanced C++ Course objectives.
  • Project & test.
  • Intro of programming language 2 (your choice) fundamentals
  • Intermediate programming language 2.
  • Advanced programming language 2 objectives.
  • Project & test.

Note: The above syllabus is tentative and may be modified as per the instructor's discretion.
The price for Programming Training certification in South Africa starts from R13900.
  • An Intro to programming course price is R13900 for 20 hours.
  • Advanced programming course price is R15900 for 20 hours.
  • A Software Development course price is R28800 for 2 months/40 hours.
  • A Software Engineering course price is R43600 for 4 months/80 hours.


No prior requirements needed, maths is recommended.

Who Should Attend this Programming Training Course?

The intro course is intended for programmers who need to write or maintain scripts in c++. These courses are suitable for beginner programmers who may have little, to no in-depth knowledge of programming. All the programming courses start from beginner level (accept the advanced c++ course)

C++ Programming Course Overview

The C++ programming language was developed by Bjarne Stroustrup at Bell Labs in the 1980s, and was originally named "C with classes". The language was planned as an improvement on the C programming language, adding features based on object-oriented programming.

What's included in this Programming Training Course?

  • Ebooks
  • Professional notes
  • IDE - Visual Studio or lastest ide
  • International exam resources and how to book the international exam/s.
  • Interactive software
  • Proposed Schedule
Career Prospects for Developers

Thus the career prospects for developers are excellent and high in demand. Coding is everywhere: on all platforms and devices and in all countries around the world!

  • Overall a Junior Programmer
  • Developer
  • Software Tester
  • Web Developer
  • Software Developer
  • Software Engineer
  • App Developer
  • Data Scientist
  • Systems Architect

Alternative Courses

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